Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

These skills will aid your child in handling stress, building relationships, and making positive decisions.

Hi Parents and Guardians!

Supporting your child's mental health is crucial, and the Botvin Life Skills Training (LST) program is here to help. These skills will aid your child in handling stress, building relationships, and making positive decisions. Let's explore some activities you can encourage them to practice.

Stress Management

Help your child manage stress by practicing deep breathing exercises. Sit with them, close your eyes, and take deep breaths: inhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds, and exhale for 4 seconds. Visualize blowing up a balloon with their stress and then releasing it. Encourage regular practice to help them stay calm and relaxed.

Decision Making

Teach your child to make good decisions by thinking about the consequences. Have them draw two columns: one for pros and one for cons. This visual aid can help them see the bigger picture and make smarter choices. Encourage them to use this method for all significant decisions.

Communication Skills

Good communication is key to building strong relationships. Encourage your child to express their feelings clearly and listen actively. Practice this with them by sharing something about your day and listening to them without interrupting. This builds empathy and understanding, skills they can use every day.

Building Self-Esteem

Boost your child's self-esteem by promoting positive self-talk and setting realistic goals. Help them write down three things they like about themselves and three goals they want to achieve. Create a fun poster together and place it somewhere visible. Remind them to add new positive things and goals as they grow.

Refusal Skills

Sometimes, saying "no" is important. Role-play scenarios with your child where they practice resisting peer pressure. One of you can try to convince the other to do something, and the other practices saying "no" confidently. Regular practice will make them more confident in standing up for themselves.

By encouraging these activities from the Botvin Life Skills Training, you can help your child enhance their mental health and lead a balanced, fulfilling life. Remember, small steps make a big difference. Keep supporting them in practicing these skills regularly to see how much better they feel.

For more tips and resources, visit Botvin Life Skills Training.