Fun Activities to Help You Feel Better

Sometimes we all feel a little worried or upset, but don’t worry—there are fun games and activities you can try to feel better.

Hey there! Sometimes we all feel a little worried or upset, but don’t worry—there are fun games and activities you can try to feel better. Not all of these will work for everyone, but give them a try and see which ones you like best!

Grounding Techniques

5-4-3-2-1 Game:

Creative Expression

Color Your Feelings:

Physical Activities

Animal Yoga:


Magic Balloon:

Breathing Exercises

Flower Breathing:

Sensory Activities

Glitter Jar:

Trying these fun activities can help you feel better when you're worried or upset. Everyone is different, so find the ones that make you feel the best and keep doing them. You've got this!

For more tips and fun activities, ask a grown-up to visit Botvin Life Skills Training.